A Little-Known Dental Insurance Trick Can Save You Money
When it comes to dental insurance, or insurance in general, many of us are…
Clear Braces vs. Metal Braces
The choice between clear braces or metal braces is becoming an age-old debate…
Finding a Dentist for Your Kids
If you're looking to find the right dentist & establish a "dental home" for…
The Causes of Wisdom Tooth Pain
Generally speaking, there are two types of wisdom tooth pain: the kind that…
What to Do If Your Tooth Gets Knocked Out
While we all experienced losing teeth as a right of passage through childhood,…
Know Your Dental Specialties: Orthodontist
Simply put, an orthodontist is a type of dentist. However, many people don't…
What Do Denture Wearers & Astronauts Have in Common?
The answer: Bone loss. A common legend says that an astronaut who returned to…
Know Your Dental Specialties: Periodontist
A periodontist is a fully trained dentist who specializes in treating…
How Dental Implants Were Invented
Perhaps the earliest example of dental implants were seashells found in the jaw…
Dental Care Concerns for Seniors
Like every other part of our bodies, our mouths change as we age. As the…